Seal&Oring&Packing&Anti wear lace


Radial Shaft Seal – O-ring – Packing

In the bearing, the radial shaft seal prevents any external substances to enter the bearing and it also blocks the leakage of lubricant. In time of selecting proper radial shaft seal some factors are important including type of lubricant (oil or grease), rotation speed, shaft’s status (vertical or horizontal), and the possibility of its opposite direction, the available space, friction of radial shaft seal, and the temperature together with the working environment shall be considered. The radial shaft seal may be attached to bearing or be located outside the bearing.

Types of Radial Shaft Seal:

  1. Graphitic radial shaft seal  for compressor and operation at high temperatures
  2. Silicon radial shaft seal  for dry heat
  3. Viton radial shaft seal   for high temperatures and resistant against chemicals and oil
  4. NBR radial shaft seal   (anti-oil)
  5. ilicon O-ring
  6. NBR O-ring (anti-oil)
  7. Viton O-Ring 

Screen Net

The company sales different models of anti abrasion screen nets, designed in Germany, with different sizes, from 02 to 100. The company is capable of production of the high carbon steel and iron screens in all of the sizes. One of the advantages of the screens is their high residence against high silica amount in coal mines and gravel river washing. In the iron screens, we tried to use a specific type of iron suitable for the usage of the size. All of the above mentioned products are manufactured based on the last version of standards and technologies.